About this Video

I leave my studio and head to Chicago to join fellow fantasy artist and friend, Aaron Miller, at one of his Figurative Illustration Workshops to do live painting of a model dressed as Batgirl. During the 4 hour painting session, I create a 24″x30″ oil painting.

To learn more about the Figurative Illustration Workshop, please visit: www.figurativeillustrationworkshop.blogspot.com

Special thanks to Blair, our Batgirl model and creator of her Batgirl costume.

More Info

Paints (Underpainting): Acrylics – Burnt Sienna, Prussian Blue, and Cadmium Yellow
Paints (Main Painting): Oil – various brands
Brushes: Loew-Cornell La Cornielle – various sizes
Paint Additive: Linseed Oil – for thinning the oil paints
Painting Surface: Canvas

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